Milind Wani

Milind edits the magazine People In Conservation and has written on politics, media, cinema and environment. He writes short and long stories, one of which has featured in BluSlate. He is presently working on a novella.
Hwang Yu-Won

Hwang was born in Ulsan in 1982. He received a B.A in Religious Studies and Philosophy from Sogang University and is currently getting his Ph.D in Indian Philosophy at Dongguk University. He made his debut as a poet, winning the Munhakdongne New Artist award in 2013. He has published over eighty poems in numerous literary magazines during the last three years. His first book of poetry Everything in the World, Maximized, was published in 2015, was awarded the 34th Kim Soo-young prize, which is one of the most famous poetry awards in Korea.
Annie Zaidi

Annie is the author of ‘Known Turf: Bantering with Bandits and Other True Tales’ (Non-fiction/Tranquebar 2010) and a collection of poems, ‘Crush’. Some poems have appeared in The Little Magazine, Desilit, Pratilipi, Indian Literature and Mint; some fiction was published in ‘21 Under 40’ (Zubaan), Verve, and The Raleigh Review. Her first play ‘Name, Place, Animal, Thing’ was short-listed for The Hindu MetroPlus Playwright Award, 2009. She has been a journalist for a decade and has written for several newspapers and magazines including Frontline, Tehelka, Mid-Day and Deccan Herald. She currently lives in Mumbai, India.
Adam Zdrodowski

Adam Zdrodowski, born in 1979, poet and translator; the author of three collections of poetry: Przygody, etc. (2005, Adventures, etc.), Jesień Zuzanny (2007, Susanna’s Autumn) and 47 lotów balonem (2013, 47 Balloon Flights). He translated authors such as Gertrude Stein, James Schuyler, William S. Burroughs, Henry Green, Raymond Roussel, Forrest Gander, Harryette Mullen, Rod Mengham, Marcus Slease, Mark Ford and Grzegorz Wróblewski. He lives in Warsaw, Poland.