Eric Auzoux

(French: Fiction, Translation) Eric Auzoux was in charge of French cultural centers and Alliance Française (Chennaï) for 20 years, then literary translator, mainly of Indian literature and essays. He is working on an imaginary diary of the 17th century Jesuit, Roberto de Nobili, who spent most of his life in Tamil Nadu.
Prashant Bagad

(Marathi: Fiction) Prashant Bagad is a writer and critic. He has received Baburav Bagul Shabda Award and P. N. Pandit Award for his short story collection, Vivade Vishde Pramade Pravase (Shabda Publication, Mumbai, 2010). He has written recently a children’s story based on Homer’s Iliad. His fictional and non-fictional writings have appeared in literary journals in Marathi such as Anushtubh, Aivaji and Mukta Shabda.
Vrinda Baliga

(English: Fiction) Vrinda Baliga lives in Hyderabad, India. Her short stories have appeared in anthologies such as City of Gods, Across the Ages, Two is Company, Urban Shots, and Crossroads, as well as in various literary journals in India and abroad. She has won prizes in the Unisun Short Story Competition 2011 and the Katha Fiction Contests 2010 and 2012. Her work has been selected to appear in the New Asian Writing Anthology 2014.
Antonia Baum

(German: Fiction) Antonia Baum lives in Berlin, working for the cultural section of a weekly published paper. Her first novel vollkommen leblos, bestenfalls tot was published in 2011. Since then she has written several short stories and is currently working on her second novel, which will be published in spring 2015.
Xaver Bayer

(German: Fiction, Drama, Poetry)
Xaver was born 1977 in Vienna, Austria, where he lives. He writes novels, plays and poetry and has published several books.
Xaver was born 1977 in Vienna, Austria, where he lives. He writes novels, plays and poetry and has published several books.
Cindy Lynn Brown

(Danish: Poetry, Translation) Cindy Lynn Brown (b. 1973) has published five collections of poetry and one novel. She holds a Mag. Art degree in Literature and Creative Writing. She is translated into English, French and Croatian. In 2013 she received the Danish Agricultural-Cultural Foundation literary award. She is the organizer of an international poetry festival in the city of Odense, in Denmark.
Rohan Chhetri

(English: Poetry) Rohan Chhetri lives in Delhi and works as an editor at Hachette India. His poems have been published in Eclectica, Rattle, 34th Parallel, Event and The Antigonish Review, among others. He won the RaedLeaf India Poetry Award 2013 and the TFA Award 2014 (Writing). He is working on his first book of poems.
Ingrid Fichtner

(German: Poetry) Ingrid Fichtner was born in Austria, studied the English language at Vienna University, lived in New Jersey (USA) for seven years, and has been living in Switzerland since 1985. She has published seven books of poetry, which have won her several awards and scholarships by the City of Zurich and by Pro Helvetia as well as invitations to international poetry festivals.
Arne Katholm

(Danish: Drama) Arne Katholm is a playwright, songwriter and lyricist, writing in Danish and English. He holds a Ph.D. from University of Aarhus, and he is the author of several books on theatre. After being engaged with fringe theatres during the 1970s, he began writing professionally for the stage in the 1980s and has written more than a dozen plays, musicals and revues.
Sonal Kohli

(English: Fiction) Sonal Kohli holds a Masters in Creative Writing from University of East Anglia, UK. Her work has appeared in The Caravan, on and Monkeybicycle. She lives in Delhi, India.
Gitanjali Kolanad

(English: Fiction) Gitanjali Kolanad has been a dancer for more than forty years, using Bharata Natyam as well as folk and ritual forms of dance, theatre and martial art forms in her work and performing in major cities around the world. She has written two books as well as numerous articles on aspects of Indian culture. Presently she is developing a dance program at Shiv Nadar University and working on her first novel.
Myung-il Lee

(Korean: Drama) Ms Myung-Il Lee is a playwright and theatre director based in South Korea. She has an MFA in Theatre Directing from East 15 Acting School, University of Essex in London (2008). Myung-Il also founded Theatre company 201 (SU) in 2008 in London. Myung-Il is credited as the writer and director for many theatre productions including SUM (2008, in London), Shut Up!-Listen (2008, in Edinburgh), The Bag(2010), Bra BraBra(2011), Toilet(2013), The Closed Door (2014), Running Men (2014), SaeMeoRi Story (2014).
Nina Maclaughlin

(English: Non-fiction) Nina MacLaughlin worked for nearly a decade at a newspaper in Boston and has written for the Believer, Bookslut, the Los Angeles Review of Books, and elsewhere. In 2008, she quit her journalism job to work as a carpenter, and her book about it, Hammer Head: The Making of a Carpenter, comes out in March from W.W. Norton.
Perumal Murugan

(Tamil: Fiction, Poetry) Perumal Murugan is a well-known Tamil writer and poet. He has published seven novels and four collections each of short stories and poetry. Three of his novels have translated into English: Seasons of the Palm, which was shortlisted for the prestigious Kiriyama Prize in 2005, Current Show (also translated into Polish), One Part Woman.
Liam Pieper

(English: Non-fiction) Liam Pieper lives in Melbourne and works a journalist, essayist and ghostwriter. Before that he was a cook, a music critic, labourer and a terrible criminal. Not terrible like a pirate is terrible, but terrible as in mediocre. His memoir, The Feel-Good Hit of the Year follows his journey from starry-eyed flower child to inept gangster and was published by Penguin Australia in 2014. His writing has appeared in The Saturday Paper, The Age, Smith Journal, Meanjin, The Best of The Lifted Brow, The Sleepers Almanac, and a couple of dozen other publications.
Shubhangi Swarup

(English: Fiction) Shubhangi Swarup is currently working on her debut novel Faultlines. She was the Charles Pick Fellow for South Asia at the University of East Anglia in 2013. She has worked as a features writer with OPEN Magazine in the past and won 2 Laadli National Media awards for gender sensitive writing on rape and female circumcision.