Janhavi Acharekar

Janhavi is a Mumbai-based freelance writer and the author of a collection of short stories titled Window Seat: Rush hour Stories from the City (HarperCollins, 2009). She has authored a travel guidebook on Mumbai and Goa for the American series Moon Handbooks (Avalon, 2009) and her writings feature in various short fiction and travel anthologies. She was the Charles Wallace Fellow at the University of Stirling, Scotland, in 2009.
Akanbi Albert Afeso

Akanbi Albert Afeso is an award winning Nigerian novelist, community worker, and public speaker. His story “That Sunday Afternoon” won the WordMaster Writers’ Challenge contest in 2015, and his novels Cold Black Night, November 5 and Thankless were all released to national acclaim.
Sally Salomon Altschuler

Sally Altschuler, born 1953, had his debut in 1993 with the youth novel, The Salt of the Earth. Since then he has published about 35 books for children in all ages as well as dramas for children. In september 2011 he published his first adult novel, An angel behind the ear, a family novel based on his own family story from Eastern Europe in 1865 to Copenhagen 1912. Board member in Danish Author’s Society since 2002.
S. Anand

S. Anand is the publisher of Navayana. He is the co-author of Bhimayana, a graphic biography of Ambedkar, which has been published in ten languages. Earlier, he worked as a print media journalist for ten years with Outlook, The Hindu and the Indian Express.
Aparna Andhare

Aparna Andhare is an independent art historian, curator, and writer. She writes catalogue and research essays, regularly teaches courses around history of art, and is devoted to her cocker spaniel, Loki.
Claus Ankersen

Claus works with poetry, fiction, spoken word and cross-dicsliplinary artistic expressions. He has published two collecions of poetry, a poetry CD, and he has directed and produced a documentary on Danish spoken word. Claus has performed about 100 live readings a year for the past ten years and is considered a leading figure in Danish spoken word poetry. He has also worked and performed internationally in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Turkey and the US.
Deepika Arwind

Deepika Arwind is from Bangalore, India and writes in English. She writes poetry and short fiction and has been published in various journals and magazines. She was one of six poets shortlisted for the Srinivas Rayaprol Poetry Prize (an Indian national-level poetry award) in October 2010. She received two fellowships for journalistic and non-fiction writing this year. At Sangam House, she hopes to continue working on her short fiction.
P. Athiyaman

Dr. P. Athiyaman has published several monographs on key Tamil literary figures as well as on Tamil social reformers and activists. His work has appeared in respected little magazines such as Dinamani, Kalachuvadu, and Theera Nadhi, in journals (including those of the International Institute of Tamil Studies) and in daily newspapers.
Suneetha B

Suneetha is a writer, independent web-journalist and bilingual translator from India. She writes poetry and fiction in both English and Malayalam. She has published fiction and poetry online and has two translations in print to credit.
Urvashi Bahuguna

Urvashi Bahuguna was awarded an MA in Creative Writing from the University of East Anglia, United Kingdom in 2014. Her debut poetry collection, Mudscope, was selected for the 2017 Emerging Poet’s Prize and will be published in 2018 by The Great Indian Poetry Collective. Her writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Orion, The Nervous Breakdown, Eclectica Magazine, The Fourth River, Barely South Review, Kitaab, Jaggery, The Four Quarters Magazine and elsewhere.
Shridhar Balagar

Shridhar Balagar is a Kannada short story writer, novelist and columnist with contemporary concerns. He is the author of four collections of short stories, a novel and two collections of columns. He is the winner of several prestigious awards including the Karnataka Sahitya Academy Award twice. Teacher and educator by profession, he lives at Kumta in Uttar Kannada district, Karnataka.
Xaver Bayer

Xaver was born in Vienna, where he lives. He has published several books, both poetry and fiction, including Heute konnte ein glucklicher Tag sein (2001) and Die Alaskastrabe(2003). His works of drama include Als ich heute aufwachte, aufstand und mich wusch, da schien mir plotzlich, mir sei alles klar auf dieser Welt und ich wusste, wie man leben soll(2004). At the moment he is working on a film script. Writes novels, theatre-plays and poetry. Published several books. At the moment he is working on a film-script.
Esther Becker

Esther is a freelance writer and performer. She has a master’s degree in Scenic Arts Practice from Bern University of the Arts (HKB) and studied Literary Writing at Swiss Literary Institute Biel (HKB) and German Literary Institute Leipzig (DLL). Her play Supertrumpf was awarded with an Invitation to Heidelberg Play Market 2013 and the Kathrin-Türks Award 2014. She is a member of the performance collective bigNOTWENDIGKEIT and at the moment part of the Swiss Playwright Program Dramenprozessor 16/17.
Ashutosh Bhardwaj

Ashutosh Bhardwaj is a fiction writer and reporter, currently posted in Chhattisgarh as The Indian Express correspondent. He has a published a story collection, essays and diaries in Hindi. He has also reported extensively on the police-Maoist conflict and documented the condition of tribals.
Per Bloch

Per Bloch is a musician, writer and performance artist from Denmark, who works across media and genres. His CD-book Kollektion consists of photography, poetry, short stories and a music CD. In his second album, Mezzosphere, he mixes electronic, classical and rhythmic sounds and musicians. Forthcoming is his new album, Babel, with 7 love songs in 7 languages. Simultaneously he writing a new novel.
Laurence Boissier

Laurence Boissier, born in 1965, lives and works in Geneva. She is a graduate of HEAD, Geneva School of Art and Design, where she specialised in performance art. She received the Swiss prize for literature in 2017. Since 2010, she has been part of Bern ist Überall, a spoken word group of Swiss writers and musicians who give live performances mixing languages and Swiss dialects. Her published work: Noces (2010), Cahier des charges (2011), Inventaire des lieux (2015) and Rentrée des classes (2017).
Lidia Bravo

Lidia has published two books of poetry, Las Enamoradas (Pre-textos, 2004) and Perder la muerte (Puerta del Mar, 2006). She has also translated the novel Holy Smoke from English into Spanish. (Anne and Jane Campion, Espasa Calpe, 2001). She has done readings of her poetry in Ireland, USA and Spain. Currently she lives in London, working in the arts.
Anna Clemensen Bro

Anna was educated at The National Danish School of Playwriting. Her writing is often informed by social and political issues and inspired by a strong fascination with places and locations that have an immediate impact on her. She has written eight plays, and two short animated movies.